[Airflow] Celery executor, Flower
[Airflow] 멀티 클러스터 환경 구성 (Celery Executer)
[Airflow] 멀티 클러스터 환경 구성 [구성] 1. airflow-ec2-1 (Master) metadata database(rds-mysql) airflow webserver airflow worker 2. airflow-ec2-2 (Worker) airflow worker 1. Master, Worker 인스턴스 생성 후 airflow 설치 : airflow 설치
이전 포스팅에서 Docker composer를 통해 Celery executor를 구성하는 방법을 다뤄봤다.
이번엔 기존에 설치된 Airflow 서버에 Celery executor를 구성하는 방법을 다뤄보겠다
😎 master node
필수 요소
- Redis (RabbitQ, queue 도 가능)
- MySQL/PostgreSQL
1. MySQL & Redis 패키지 설치
sudo apt-get install python3-dev gcc libmysqlclient-dev -y
pip3 install mysql-connector-python
pip3 install mysqlclient
pip3 install redis
2. Celery, Flower 설치
pip3 install celery
pip3 install flower
3. config 파일 수정
vi airflow/airflow.cfg
# full import path to the class when using a custom executor.
executor = CeleryExecutor
# The SqlAlchemy connection string to the metadata database.
sql_alchemy_conn = mysql+mysqldb://<user>:<passwd>@<host>:3306/<db>
# The Celery result_backend. When a job finishes, it needs to update the
result_backend = db+mysql+mysqlconnector://<user>:<passwd>@<host>:3306/<db>
# a sqlalchemy database. Refer to the Celery documentation for more information.
broker_url = redis://<host>:6379/0
4. Airflow DB 초기화 & Celery/Flower 실행
airflow db init
airflow shceduler -D
airflow webserver -D
airflow celery -D
airflow celery flower -D
ip:5555로 접속하여 Flower web확인
👩💻 Worker node
1. airflow 설치
[Airflow] Airflow 설치
Airflow 설치 🔎 설치환경 AWS Amazonlinux 2 2.5.1 버전 Airflow 설치 공식 Documents 참조 https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/stable/installation/installing-from-pypi.html Installation from PyPI — Airflow Documentation airflow.apa
2. MySQL & Redis 패키지 설치
sudo apt-get install python3-dev gcc libmysqlclient-dev -y
pip3 install mysql-connector-python
pip3 install mysqlclient
pip3 install redis
3. Celery 설치
pip3 install celery
4. config 파일 수정
vi airflow/airflow.cfg
# full import path to the class when using a custom executor.
executor = CeleryExecutor
# The SqlAlchemy connection string to the metadata database.
sql_alchemy_conn = mysql+mysqldb://<user>:<passwd>@<host>:3306/<db>
# The Celery result_backend. When a job finishes, it needs to update the
result_backend = db+mysql+mysqlconnector://<user>:<passwd>@<host>:3306/<db>
# a sqlalchemy database. Refer to the Celery documentation for more information.
broker_url = redis://<host>:6379/0
5. Worker 실행
airflow celery worker -q queue_1 -D
아래처럼 뜬다면 성공
flower를 재시작하면 웹에서도 확인이 가능하다
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